CA Articleship Exam (Practical Training exam) at pttest.icai

Latest update on CA Articleship exam

Refer latest exam dates from Pttest.icai website.

The students who have appeared in the earlier test(s) and wish to improve their performance/ grade can re-appear in this test. Similarly, the students who have registered for the earlier test(s) but could not appear due to some reason, can also register.

Please note that this is the last attempt for students who have completed their second year of practical training during July-September, 2019. However, if a student has completed the first year of training during this time period, this is the last attempt for the Level 1 test and the student can appear for the Level 2 test on the next occasion.

The students who are eligible for both levels can select their level while submitting the registration form. However, if such a student registers for Level 2, then the student will not be allowed to register for Level 1 in further examinations.

A Home-Based Test allows students to take their exams remotely, including their homes, provided it is a complacent environment.

A qualified proctor monitors the candidates’ audio-video and screen share feeds in real-time sitting at a remote location.

ICAI has issued guidelines and faq for the home-based tests. Read before attempting the test.

What is the objective of the CA Articleship exam?

After testing the theoretical knowledge of students in CA foundation and CA Intermediate. ICAI now wants to test the practical knowledge of students. The purpose of the CA Articleship exam is to produce good quality Chartered Accountant and to mitigate dummy articles. The CA Articleship exam is not compulsory for the students.

Eligibility criteria for CA Articleship exam

The students after completing the first and second year of practical training are eligible to appear for the practical training exam in the subsequent three-quarters of completion of the same.

For example, a student completing his/her 1 st/ 2nd year of practical training during April-June, 2018 will be supposed to appear in the respective test till March 2019.

However, if they clear their CA Final examination before the same, they will be allowed to appear in this test only till the announcement of the result for the same as they will be getting the final grade in that mark sheet itself.

Students who have completed the first year of practical training before 1st April 2018. They are not required to appear for a first-level test. However, they will be required to appear for the second-level tests after completion of the second year of practical training.

What is the date of the CA Articleship exam?

The Articleship exam dates change quarterly. New dates are published by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India after the declaration of the previous results on this website.


  • Fill the exam form as early as possible after the online application form starts. You need to add two preference cities as the place of examination. In case there are large numbers of applicants, it will be decided on a “first-come, first-serve” basis. The students who have filled the form first will be granted the first city of preference.
  • The second most important tip is to read the sample tests provided by ICAI. When I appeared for the Articleship test, I found 20 questions were exactly similar to 75 questions that came in the first year of Articleship.

Author’s advice on how to clear the CA Articleship exam with an A grade?

Students should first understand the importance of practical training and how practical training is going to have an impact on their life. If you are gaining valuable experience in CA Articleship then there will be no problem in facing the exam.

The first step you must undertake is to prepare sample questions. Sample questions have been issued by ICAI.

 To check out sample questions.

The second step you must take is to understand how to attempt objective MCQ questions?

  • Read the entire question. Don’t hurry.
  • Choose those questions which you know 100%
  • After looking at the question, answer the question in your mind first before filling the circle.
  • Eliminate all the irrelevant answers and search for the correct one.
  • After elimination, if you are sure that this particular answer is correct. Then, go for it.
  • Author’s personal opinion after the test

When I appeared for the test, I found most of the questions were situation-based. And those situations don’t exist in the practical world. The Articleship test cannot be considered as a measure to determine student practical skills.

The questions I saw in the Internal audit were related to the traditional audit approach, Currently, the audit practices have improved and more focus is based on “Audit through the computer” not  “Audit with the computer”. The paper setters copied approx 20 questions from ICAI sample papers, they don’t even care to change the values.

I have good experience in Indirect taxation(GST) but the questions I saw in Indirect tax sample papers were not related to practical life. The questions were based on theoretical knowledge which can be acquired by diving deeper into the core of GST.

How admit cards will be issued?

The Admit Card for the test will be available on this portal 5 days before the test date and candidates are requested to take a printout of the same. No physical admit cards will be issued.

How to fill the application form?

The application form is only to be submitted online. There is no need to submit any printout of the application form at the office of the Institute.

However, you may keep the copy for your own records at least till the release of admit cards.

Whether objective or subjective questions?

This will be an Objective Type MCQ-based examination of 75 marks for the First Level and 100 marks for the Second Level.

There will be no negative marking and no reading time.

Candidates should reach the examination center 30 minutes prior to the examination. Late arrival of candidates will not be permitted. Candidates will not be permitted to leave the examination hall till the conclusion of the test.

What is the examination fee?

Applying for the exam for the first time- No fees

Applying for the exam second or third time for improvement- Need to pay Rs. 200

How grades would be allotted?

Students will be assigned grades on the basis of performance in the test.

Marks (%) Grade
80% and above A grade
60% and above but below 80% B grade
40% and above but below 60% C grade
Below 40% D grade


How to fill up the online Application form?

Two steps are involved in this process.

Step – 1: Log in to the portal

The applicant shall visit the website

 Click on the Login link on the home page and enter his/her Student Registration number along with Date of Birth as per ICAI records.

These details will be validated with our database of candidates.

In case these details are not validated, the applicant will not be able to register for the examination.

The applicant will fill in the details and upload the photograph and Signature.

Uploading of images as jpeg/jpg files is mandatory. The size of the image should not be more than 50KB.

Please do not include dots in the name of files (e.g. Incorrect naming A.P.Kumar.jpg, Correct naming APKumar.jpg)

Click here to know more about cropping scanned files.

Step – 2: The candidates are advised to check the application status through the link “Login” to check whether the application has been captured successfully by the portal.

When the result will be declared?

The result will be available on this portal only within 15-20 days. Candidates are advised in their own interest to print the same for their record. No separate statement of grades will be issued.

When I appeared for the exam, it took a month from the date of the exam for the result declaration.

How to contact ICAI for any technical or other error?

Queries Phone Email
Technical /center related queries 821520860, 9625478379 Helpdesk for email.
Eligibility related queries 0120 – 3876870, 3876859 [email protected]

Frequently asked questions on CA Articleship exam

Q1 What is the duration of the test for both first-year and second-year Articleship completed students?

A1: The duration of the exam is two hours for both first-year and second-year students.

Q2 What will be the maximum marks awarded for the first year and second-year Articleship completed students?

A2: The maximum marks for first-year students are 75 and for second-year maximum marks are 100.

Q3 Whether there will be any subjective questions or all the questions will be objective?

A3: All the questions will be objective-based.

Q4 Whether there will be any stationery requirement?

A4: Tests will be conducted through online mode. But a pen can be used for doing calculations on paper.

Q5 Will, there be any negative marking in these tests?

A5: No, there will not be any negative marking. So, students are advised to attempt all the questions.

Q6 Whether it is compulsory to appear in the exam before appearing in CA final examination?

A6: Although the exam is not compulsory and is not an eligibility criterion for appearing in CA Final examination. Students are however advised to appear in these tests before their CA final attempt as the grade will be included in the Final.

Q7 What if a student doesn’t appear for the exam?

A7: If a student doesn’t appear in these tests and appears for CA Final examination, “Did not appear in practical training assessment” will be mentioned as a footnote in your last mark sheet issued by ICAI.

In case you appear in either one of the levels, zero marks will be taken for the other level while calculating the average grade of both levels.

Q8 How the grades for both levels be mentioned in the mark sheet?

A8: The average of both the levels will be calculated for inclusion in the mark sheet if the student is eligible for both the levels, else only second-level grade will be taken.

Q9 If I am not satisfied with the grade I received, will I be allowed to re-appear in the test?

In case you are not satisfied with your result, you will be given two more chances to re-appear for the test. Fees of Rs. 200 will be charged for every repeated attempt. The best grade will be considered for inclusion in the mark sheet.

Please note that the first attempt and two repeat attempts can be taken during the period of nine months (three subsequent quarters) after the quarter in which the first and second year has been completed that is before the commencement of the quarter in which the second and third year will be completed.

Q10 Can the test be submitted from our offices and homes?

No, students are required to reach the designated examination center mentioned on admit cards. The test cannot be submitted from offices/homes.

How to start the CA Articleship test in the examination center?

When you will be in the examination center, you will be provided a  computer. Read the step-by-step guide on how to start the exam.

Step 1: The first step will be to enter the CBT ID and Password.

Step 2:  After entering the details, click on the ‘Login’ button.

Step 3: Then on the right corner of the page ‘Start test’ button will appear. Now, don’t just press the button immediately. Wait for the examiner’s instructions.

Step 4:  Checkmark the box at the bottom of the page stating you have read the instructions and you accept terms and conditions.

Step 5:  Now again click on the Start test button located at the right bottom of the page and your test will start.

Step 6: After attempting all the questions, don’t forget to end the test.

Want to check the list of examination cities?

Following is the list of examination cities issued by ICAI.

CA Articelship exam cities


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